Weird American Foods We All Secretly Love
Every Tom, Dick and Harry, or maybe Tomas, Ricardo, and Hans – the world over, when asked to name American food will surely be able to rattle off the omnipresent hamburger and its presumably less appetizing phallic sibling the hot dog. But American food goes considerably beyond cheeseburgers and wieners; many of its less well-known meals and daily fare, especially those eaten by youngsters, outsiders, have no concept about. Some very regular meals you might not find in movies could look strange at first. Thus, without further delay here is some excellent odd American cuisine that you non-gringos out there might like to sample next time you find yourself queued at the green card desk. Bon Appa. What?
Cheese Dipped In Tomato Soup Grilled
Less on the strange side and more on the fantastic side; grilled cheese and tomato soup is something both hipster bars and children dream about. Though strange to some foreigners, this mix will melt your heart along with that dubious cheese option in-between the bread – fancy or down and dirty cheap Campbells; you can't go wrong with this classic.
Peanut Butter with Jelly
Given American youngsters specifically, PB & J is most likely the most basic item on our list. Easy to make and fuckup proof for the modern deadbeat parent, this small sandwich is THE cornerstone of the cooked dinners. Non-Americans may find the jelly component particularly strange, but trust me, that sweet touch blends nicely with the salty peanut butter. Actual Americanism right here.
Peanut Butter with Banana
American does peanut butter as Russia does Vodka. We are all about that butter baby. From sandwiches to sweets to foreplay, peanut butter makes everything better in the perspective of Americanos, so why not with banana?
Sloppy Joe
Giving youngsters at summer camp nightmares since 1894, the sloppy joe remains America wonderful food that because it looks like trash for some unknown reason has caught on worldwide. Browned beefed blended with all the half emptied condiments your divorced dad has left in his fridge, this fatty item will keep you satiated and wish for a Leave It to Beaver period.
Root Beer
Root beer has been an American staple since your granddad used to walk 5 miles uphill in the snow to school both ways. It tastes like cough syrup to some and freedom to others, so you only need to determine how American you can be with this delectable beverage of the American heartland.
Root Beer Float
How can you make any American classic better? Add vanilla ice cream of course. Your waistline may end up hating you, but you certainly be a happier, more grounded individual once you have tried this delectable American dish. Even if your foreign buddy dislikes root beer and believe it tastes like cough syrup, transform it into a float and you may just change your friends life around. That would be a victory for you and for America.
Bologna Sandwich
If mystery meat had a name it would not longer be a mystery, but it would be called bologna. This small sandwich is one I have not personality had since I could connect to my mother that I would despise her and not give her grandkids should she give me another one. But well, to each their own. Slap together to slices of Wonder Bread (white bleached bread devoid of any nourishment, a blog topic unto itself) lathered with mayo and wedge in a piece of bologna in between and you probably have made the most insulting thing you can conceive to Italians. Thanks for the branding guys.
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Kraft Mac’n’Cheese
I can’t tell for sure, but I would probably shiv someone for this if I were in prison. It may look like something out of the Twilight Zone, that is if you are from Italy (sorry again folks) and are used to handmade pasta that doesn’t come from an instant mix, but this stuff is addicting. It comes in a very common blue box that I didn’t upload a photo of afraid of getting sued or whatever, but Kraft is nice in this farm item. You can buy fancy Mac & Cheese wherever fashionable these days, but for youngsters in the know, the basic blend is the finest.
An American summer camp staple, you may have seen this small item in the movies and been left scratching your head. S’mores, although appearing like odd American food to some, are a wonderful summertime classic. Roasted marshmallow over the fire, smooshed (yep, only smooshed would suffice) between two delicious Graham crackers and a Hersey’s chocolate bar into a delight of the fatty food gods. A finer sweet couldn’t have been developed if a global chocolate firm sinisterly cooperated with a multinational marshmallow company to make American Desserts Great Again.
Corn Dogs
And last but not least, we essentially have a deep fried hot dog on a stick – however the All American corndog is much more than this since it is on a stick and gives the perfect walk and eat vessel. It has a crispier texture than a conventional hot dog bun and a sweeter aftertaste and may as well have been designed by NASA since it is out of this planet if you know your obvious dad jokes. Either way, try this gem next time you find yourself in a dilapidated American amusement park marveling at our obesity levels. I propose a ketchup and mustard double dip — you will know what to do when the time arises.